
Characteristics Of Odysseus And Rosa Parks

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Kamryn Bohnenstiehl
Mrs. DeLong
Honors English I
3 March 2023
Epic Hero Essay
Rosa Parks once said, “I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes the fear; knowing what must be done; does away with fear.” An epic hero can be defined as a person who has impacted the world in a positive way, and someone who is overall an exceptional human being. A popular epic hero is Odysseus because he carries the traits of a hero such as being mentally strong, impactful, and brave. Similarly, Rosa Parks should also be categorized as an epic hero because, like Odysseus, she also possesses many of the same traits as an epic hero. Even though they do not behave ethically at all times, both Odysseus and Rosa Parks should be considered …show more content…

In the article “Rosa Parks: "One of Many Who Would Fight for Freedom": When Rosa Parks Made Her Mark on History, She Represented a Host of Heroes Who Prepared the Way. It Was a Glorious Revolution” published by Alabama Heritage, the author Wayne Greenhaw explained, “Freedom came with a heavy price. In the months ahead violence spread throughout Montgomery and the South. The Parks received numerous threats” (Greenhaw). After the Civil Rights Movement was brought into action and segregation ended on buses, Rosa Parks and her husband both lost their jobs and received several death threats. The threats she received got so bad that she and her family had to move to Detroit, Michigan in 1957. Rosa Parks, however, did not let the threats stop her journey, as she continued to be a part of the NAACP and the Civil Rights Movement. Both of these organizations have helped countless people in their journey toward equal rights. Therefore, even though she had all of these threats and losses she didn’t stop helping other people achieve things. Comparably, Odysseus had multiple encounters with risking death for the greater good of society. One of the many examples is when he was confronted with the Cyclops. As Odysseus and his men came up with a plan to escape the cave of the Cyclops, Odysseus explains, “So with our brand, we bored that great eye socket while …show more content…

This is seen by Rosa Parks when she ignored the bus driver on the bus she was riding, and it is seen by Odysseus when he was unfaithful to his wife. However, they both perform brave deeds that have greatly impacted the world. In Wayne Greenhaw’s article, “Rosa Parks: "One of Many Who Would Fight for Freedom": When Rosa Parks Made Her Mark on History, She Represented a Host of Heroes Who Prepared the Way. It Was a Glorious Revolution” he said, “His lips trembled slightly as he asked, ‘Are you going to stand up?’ She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. ‘No,’ she said. ‘Well, I'm going to have you arrested,’ Blake said. She said, ‘You may do that’” (Greenhaw). Before the rights of every color and gender were equal, it was expected that all colored people should obey all white people. Rosa Parks not obeying the orders of the white bus driver, is extremely brave and dangerous, because as stated before she was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. Even today her not standing up is still one of the most known and sought-after gestures that left an impactful mark on thousands of people. Therefore, although she was not ethical in listening to the bus driver, her being brave and telling him no led to thousands of people getting the equal rights they deserved, which is far more important than breaking a rule. Odysseus was talking to his men about how the Sirens will try to lure them into their land

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