How Is 1984 Dehumanized

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Research Paper 1984 The people in George Orwell’s 1984 are dehumanized using many ways by the inner party. They have a hard life because they don’t know simple everyday things that we take for granted. When we show emotions and do what and think what we want it is something that the people of Oceania don’t have. They don’t have freedom from the government. The Outer Party controls everything using many methods. Some of these include doublethink, thoughtcrime, and thought police, which are used as means of fear to get the people to do what the government wants. These were all used only for the fact that the government wanted to control everything. The Outer Party feared the Inner Party because of all the systems they had up, they used this …show more content…

Totalitarian is when the government or the central power has complete and total power over the people. We can see this in 1984 when the Inner Party controls the lives of the people in the book. At one part of the book O’Brien says that reality only exists in the mind and the party controls the mind which means that the party has control over every aspect of the people's lives. Anything that the party says, is what it is. There is no going against it because they have control of the reality (Orwell). This part of the book really shows that the totalitarian government has complete and total control over the people that live there. This government is dehumanizing people by doing these things. If the Party controls the reality than that means that they control the people that have that reality. The people think they are free but really they are just getting controlled by the party. O’Brien knew that they were controlling the lives of these people and he was fine with it because he liked to have the complete and total power. "The monstrous O'Brien expresses the gospel of eternal power that Hitler had preached in extreme form” (Protherough). This quote shows how O’Brien thinks about their power. He thinks that having the power over the people is a good thing. This means that he dehumanizes people and thinks that is alright to do. The people have no freedom in the book and are dehumanized …show more content…

You can think what you want, say what you want, and do what you want. This is not the case in 1984 because the people are dehumanized and they can not live a regular life like people today. The party controls what they think and do, they take away the natural human rights and actions in order to keep control. This is portrayed through the part in the book where Winston leaves his family and steals the rest of the chocolate. This shows that he does not feel emotion towards his own family and shows how the party has controlled their lives. We are able to love our families and feel emotions unlike the people of Oceania who have been stripped of that. People can feel sorry and can be kind which is stuff that people in Oceania can’t. They have been wiped of their natural feelings and rights and start enjoying Big Brother and his power. "As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.” Big Brother may not be watching; he might be broadcasting” (Fitzpatrick). This shows that these people start to love the oppression because they don’t have the human feelings and thought to know that it is not right. They use many ways to take away the