The Vietnam War was a gruesome trial of war that some people think should never have happened, but why do they think this? A large amount of evidence can back up the thought of the Vietnam War being unjustified. An example of this is Agent Orange, which is a generation's worth of disabilities and deformities caused by the unredeemable toxic chemicals dropped on the Vietnamese population. A second reason is that many people— including a large number of Americans — protested against the Vietnam War, because of the terror occurring. War drafts also were happening, which sent men (even if they did not want to) to fight in the war, which was yet again met with mass protests. Propaganda was also a large contributor to politics during this event, and many portrayed the blind escalation of the war. The Vietnam War stands as an undeniable testament to the …show more content…
This evidence highlights gruesome traps, such as the Punji trap, and bamboo spike pits intended to ensnare and impale US soldiers. Supporters of escalating the war would debate the inhumane tactics employed by opposing forces, such as the Vietcong, and argue that the use of Agent Orange to remove trees and foliage aimed to eliminate enemy cover, making it more difficult for guerrilla tactics to be employed against American forces. Despite acknowledging the negative and life-changing effects suffered by innocent civilians in Vietnam, they contend that the war was essential in preventing the spread of communism and its perceived domino effect on neighboring countries. While guerilla warfare was indeed very fearful for the United States and its soldiers, the effects of Agent Orange continue to be much worse than that of guerilla warfare because of the outcome that has stretched outside the fields of