Napalm And Agent Orange In The Vietnam War

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The Vietnam War a dark time in the U.S. history. The fears of communism, The use weapons like napalm and agent orange. The U.S. and the lies the government tried to cover up. in the begin people supported the war U.S. was trying to stop communism and vietnam is small it wouldn't take that long for them to give up right? Well the U.S. was wrong the viet men were never going to give up and the choices the U.S. government made were the deciding factor in this war The government lie to it people about how the war was going saying the war would be over soon that the viet men were at their breaking point, however in reality they would never roll over and admit defeat. The government also tried to cover up My Lai but it got out somehow. The people of the U.S. started to doubt …show more content…

used weapons like napalm and agent orange on place they thought viet men were hiding. Napalm is a jelly like substance that on contact bursts into flames and burns whatever it touches. Agent orange is a chemical that was used to kill the jungle However in got on the farmer field and kill all there food some of the villages/town effects did not viet men in them. However a lot of them were just innocent people trying to make a living or just live. Also there were innocent people, kid that lived in this place they dropped napalm that burn down their home and spend agent orange on to the napalm burn the innocent people because they can tell a just kill viet man there is not different in them and the innocent people weapons like this kill everything not just one or the other. All this death for what to kill a hand full of viet man and leave innocent people that were just living they live or were thread by the viet man that if they talked their families would die. but instead the U.S. “helps” by dropping napalm and kill some of the viet man but also kill so for the family living there or spending agent orange and killing all their crop then leaving the people burned, homes, starving and half