How Is Atticus Learned In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Never, ever be afraid to stand for what’s right thing People are complicated. Learn about their life before judging them.-you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view Prejudge Firstly, Atticus taught Scout many important life lessons, but most importantly, he taught her to not be prejudiced, and to treat everyone with equality. This was extremely important in Scout's growth as a person, because in those days, many people were blinded by racism; Scout learned to treat all people evenly. Atticus actually led by example when he took on Tom Robinson's case. Atticus teaches Scout and Jem the real meaning of bravery We all know that we should not judge someone by rumor but neighbors like Miss Stephanie Crawford tell Scout and Jem of Boo Radley’s alleged past in which he stabbed his father’s leg, then was incarcerated in the courthouse basement, until being sent home, where he still remains veiled inside so everyone believes that Boo is a monster To Dill, Jem gives a reasonable description of Boo ”Boo was about six-and-a-half feet tall he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that’s why his hands were bloodstained if you ate an …show more content…

Jem does not want scout to embarrasss him while heis with his older friends because it was not cool to hang out with his little sister but near the end when someone was chasing after jem and scout he knows their lives are in danger so he yells to her,”run scoutrunrun”(261 lee) This shows tha jem is scared for his life, but would rather something happen to him, rather than to scout. Overall jem discovers his responsibility as an older brother is to look after scout and make sure she is

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