How Is Australian Computer Society Ethical

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Australian Computer Society (ACS) has six ethical and professional values regarding computer security and privacy issues, each member of ACS has to follow these values, the following two values are among the six values of ACS: 1- The enhancement of quality of life: This standard means that a professional has to work hard to enhance the quality of life of anyone gets affected by the professional’s work. As a case study, we can use the SOCOG case, which is about a blind person (Bruce Lindsay) wanted to buy tickets for himself and his two children for the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000, because Bruce used (and continued to use) braille as his primary education and development source, he inquired the SOCOG officers if there is a ticket book version …show more content…

Furthermore, CIA can be compromised as a result, in the following way: The SOCOG website developers did not make the ticket booking system available to some disabled people (blind people) who can only use such a system in some specific method (ex, braille), so their work breached the Availability standard of CIA and this makes the website doesn’t serve its purpose for some people and it doesn’t have value for some people (some disabled people). 2- Professionalism: This ACS professional and ethical standard means that a professional has to enhance the integrity of the society and the respect of its members for each …show more content…

Furthermore, because of many user requests, the government website complained to the authorities to suspend the domain name of the file sharing website, then the authorities after reviewing the file sharing website user agreement, it found out that the website didn’t keep its promises about keeping users private information safe without selling it to other parties. As a result, the authorities suspended the domain name of the file sharing website without further