
Jim Davies's Article Program Good Ethics Into Artificial Intelligence

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New technologies are being developed into our everyday lives. These machines act as tools as they aid us in everyday tasks and further. Artificial Intelligence is “The capacity of computers or other machines to exhibit or simulate intelligent behaviour; the field of study concerned with this” (“Artificial Intelligence, N.”). This is essentially giving a machine the capability to imitate human actions/behavior. AI is heavily discussed as many organizations and people hold different views on how it is going to be treated in the future. Jim Davies’s article Program Good Ethics into Artificial Intelligence, provides reasoning in favor of artificial intelligence (AI) as he sees it as a way to help progress and improve what humans are able to do …show more content…

They believe that AI holds more potential for good than evil. Many believe that “ existential threats from AI comes from misplaced attention on the possibility that such technology could develop consciousness” (Davies 291). People are thinking beyond what Artificial Intelligence can truly do at this current time period. We have not gotten to the point where a robot can freely think for itself. “We just don’t know enough about the role of consciousness- be it in humans, animals or software- to know whether it’s necessary for complex thought” (Davies 291). AI is here to aid us and make our performance as humans more effective. It is not here to take over jobs and functions of professionals. Artificial Intelligence will be remarkable once it comes out, but there needs to be programming goals, that keeps the AI in line, so it can perform to the best of capabilities to help humans out. If there are not any goals that help AI, there could possibility be a fear that Artificial Intelligence …show more content…

A important note is that “We must realize that stopping an AI from developing consciousness is not the same as stopping it from developing the capac¬ity to cause harm”(Davies). If we stop the capacity to cause harm, the image of Artificial Intelligence will look more positive as it will be used for good. As artificial intelligence are tested more superintelligence should be developed only for the benefit of all of humanity and in the service of widely shared ideals. The concept and understanding of AI should be explain to everyone so they understand the idea. If they were taught or learned what it artificial intelligence was, maybe they would still not fear it. By making the public more aware of what artificial intelligence is, it would lead to minimizing the fear of Artificial Intelligence. I believe this is a fair meeting place for both sides of the

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