Detective Spooner Of US Robots: Electronic Human

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Ricardo Gabriel Longoria English 1301 Mr. Garcia Electronic Human Artificial intelligence. What is it? Artificial intelligence can be explained as a preprogrammed machine or robot designed to make life easier for humans. Consider Siri, Cortana or Alexa for a moment, they were invented to be a person's virtual assistant. We as society have become dependent on these things that we just tell siri to do something such as, ‘’ siri text mom’’ and she will reply, ‘’what do you want to say to mom?’’ and then from there you will tell her what to text. It is the same process with Cortana as well, but with Alexa it takes it a step further. With Alexa you can order food rather than simply just texting or calling someone. Have you ever seen the …show more content…

Mr. Spooner is a detective investigating a suicide on Dr. Alfred Lanning. Dr. Lanning was the Cofounder of U.S. Robotics, so he is the person who would invent these AI creatures. Anyways, Dr. Lanning had fallen 50 stories down. Mr. Spooner believes that the suicide was not a suicide, he believes that the suicide was perpetrated by a robot so that would make it a murder. Detective Spooner is totally against these robots and thinks that they are a threat to society. Which in reality is true considering that, ‘’ robots do not have common sense.’’ says Michio Kaku in Physics of the Impossible(257) Later on in the movie the robots turn radical and are destroying the city. The reason they turned radical is because of VIKI, VIKI is a super powerful supercomputer designed to destroy mankind. However, civilians didn't realize what was going to happen, until the time actually came. Detective Spooner tried to warn and tell everyone, but no one believed him. Detective Spooner even went as far as trying to warn Dr. Calvin who would help invent these robots, she was clearly in denial and believed that robots would never hurt a human being. These anthropomorphic robots were destroying anything they can get their hands on, from people to cars. Everyone was flabbergasted that this was happening and had no idea what to do or what was going