How Is Boxing Related To The Industrial Revolution Of Boxing

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“Life is like a boxing match, defeat is declared not when you fall, but when you refuse to get back up again.” Boxing has remained a popular sport for many reasons, but to put it simply: it is an athletic form that allows people to express themselves through a passion of athletic impulse and instinct. Anyone can throw a punch, whether it is done badly or well. When people get angry, their first instinct is to shout or hit something. If something attacks you, what do you do naturally? Exactly, you either fight, or run away. Boxing began with the Spartans in the fourth century; it revolutionized our past and present world through the stories passed on through the generations about its origin, the evolution of the boxing uniform, the different rules that were introduced, and how it related to the Industrial Revolution.

Boxing is a very ancient sport that became familiarized around …show more content…

Until about 500B.C. the cut thongs of an ox hide secured by a loop at each end to the hand were considered the standard uniform. As time went by, the Greeks had these hard leather straps exchanged for gloves with spikes on the knuckles. As the Roman Empire rose, boxing developed from a battle form to an observer sport. Gladiators turned out to be the boxers of ancient Rome. But their chosen equipment was the cestus. The cestus was designed to kill an opponent with the sharp blades attached. When the Roman Empire fell, boxing went along with it. But soon, the sport returned in England in the 18th century. However, when the sport resurfaced, changes were added. Boxing returned as bare-knuckle boxing (or prizefighting). When the new form of boxing was introduced in the 19th century, bare-knuckle fights had decreased and using padded gloves soon became normal again. Jack Broughton is recognized as the creator of the boxing gloves, which is the basis of the boxing gloves used today.