
How Is Chris Mccandless Selfish

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Living in the wild is not in any sense an easy tasked. Though Christopher Johnson McCandless lasted 113 days alone in the Alaskan Wilderness.The origins of the motivation behind this great expedition appear a little shaky, but to Chris, they were completely justified. Chris died around August 18, 1992, he died quite ironically as he had given “all the money in his college fund to OXFAM America, a charity dedicated to fighting hunger.” (20), yet he himself died of starvation. Chris was a multifaceted person, he had a love for nature and used that love as an escape route in order to escape his fear of commitment and being intimate with people which did not stop short of being outright abrasive towards his parents. Nature has the capability …show more content…

Respect is very important to Chris, though it is apparent that Chris wanted to be absolutely clear to his parents that they did not have his respect. A short time before Chris vanished from his family’s sight, he wrote to Carine saying that he would “be through with them[his parents] once and for all, forever”(64). The very fact that he knew exactly what he was doing and was not apologetic in the slightest proves that he was quite selfish in terms of his parents as he never looked back. He wanted to escape the life that his parents desperately wanted so that he very carefully calculate his disappearance. Billie McCandless(Chris’s mother) informed Krakauer that Chris had instructed the post office to hold them until August 1, apparently so we wouldn’t know anything was up” (22) When Bille speaks of “them:” she was referencing the numerous letters that her and Walt sent to Chris during the entire summer after Chris graduated from Emory. Chris had to have known that his parents loved him, and there was never a lack of attention given. Therefore any normal person would easily be characterized as spoiled and entitled to have the audacity to treat their parents like that after everything they had

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