How Is Dramatic Irony Used In The Cask Of Amontillado

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Suspense is a tool used by writers to keep readers on the edge of their seats and waiting for more. Stories with suspense are hard to forget. In “The Cask of Amontillado,” the author, Edgar Allan Poe, does this by using dramatic irony, setting, and characters' actions to enhance the climactic mood portrayed in the story. Poe uses dramatic irony at the story's opening to intensify the mood. Montresor talks to Fortunato and interests him in the “Amontillado” wine. Montresor says, “I have received a pipe of what passes for Amontillado, but I have my doubts.” Fortunato answers, “How? Amontillado? A pipe? Impossible”(Poe, par. 5-6). Because you learn Fortunato was correct by the end of the story, this is an example of dramatic irony. Because Montresor …show more content…

Towards the end of the story, Fortunato makes this weird gesture to Montresor but he doesn’t understand anything he’s saying. Then Fortunato understands he is not a member of the Masons, the secret group he is a member of. However, Montresor thinks he is referring to a mason who works with concrete and stone. So Fortunato says, “A sign.” Montresor answers with, “It is this.” And he pulls out a trowel which is used to help a Mason build with stone. Fortunato thinks Montresor is goofing around and says, “You jest. But let us proceed to the Amontillado”(Poe, par. 64-66). This example is climactic because readers initially have no idea what either of them are discussing, and it makes them curious what Fortunato will do next. In addition, at the end of the story when Montresor is sealing up the wall that Fortunato is trapped in, he throws a torch in and Montresor heard a “succession of loud and shrill screams.” He “hesitated” and “trembled” because it startled him to hear such horrible screaming. (Poe, par. 77). This sentence has a climactic mood to it because it makes us readers worry whether Fortunato is going to live or what will happen if/when he dies. The two of these quotes create suspension as to what could happen next because of what these characters are physically