How Is John Proctor Portrayed In The Crucible

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Miller’s The Crucible took place in Salem, Massachusetts in the year 1692 through 1693. Salem was a Puritan colony which valued its strict Christian moral code. The people frowned upon any diversion from the church and each individual strived to be a good Christian man and woman. Because of this suffocating environment many, especially women, were afraid to show any other beliefs or differences besides what were Puritan. These witchcraft trials which took place in that setting and are depicted in The Crucible were based upon spectral evidence, so there is no concrete way to know if spirits genuinely are haunting individuals. It was only the victim’s word against the accused. Anyone could accuse another of witchcraft and the accused sentenced …show more content…

To most he is a man that upholds the values of being a noble individual. To himself, he knows he is a sinner trying to redeem himself of his wrong doings. He sinned by cheating on his wife Elizabeth with Abigail Williams. He has the resources and information to accuse the girls of lying to the court and town’s people, but he hesitates to reveal the truth because of his fear of being known as a sinner. When he forces Mary Warren to confess to her lies the judges ask how he knows they are lying and it takes so much strength to say the truth and give up his self image. When Danforth says prove that they lie John states “I have known her, sir. I have known her.”(Act 3, Line 842) This means they had an affair which in the eyes of God is a sin. Even though he has admitted his sins in court its still not enough to convince the court of their wrong doings since they have become master manipulators. Later he is accused of witchery when Mary Warren succumbs to peer pressure and betrays him. Any person accused of witchery can live if they confess to the crimes they didn’t commit. John refuses not because he is pure godly, but to save his reputation that he has built in the town. John