How Is Lennie Presented In Of Mice And Men

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The story is about a man named Lennie and the struggles he goes through while living with his best friend George. Some of the struggles Lennie goes through is learning that everyone isn’t as kind and as respectful as him. The challenges Lennie and everyone else has to go through is hate and discrimination. One of the people that work there deals with racism and segregation because of the color of his skin. Lennie, George and a old man named Candy plan to leave the Ranch and live their own life on their rules. But the opinions of people and their advantages get them only so far. Lennie has a bleeding heart and never in his mind would think or do something to harm a person and or a animal, at the same time himself not being able to understand …show more content…

Because since only Lennie responds like a child when he’s an adult, and how he handles his anger and frustration makes him a little bit autistic. Everyone else on the ranch can’t have a normal conversation to Lennie due to his lack of intelligence. On page 64, Lennie was very sympathetic to Curley when he broke his hand. “Suddenly Lennie let go of his hold. He crouched cowering against the wall. “You tol’ me to, George,” he said miserably. On page 91, Lennie had unfortunately broken Curley’s wife's neck and he didn’t know how to respond to it. “Don’t you go yelling,” he said and he shook her; and her body flopped like a fish. And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck.” Then it says, “And then he whispered in fright, “I done bad thing. I done another bad thing” During the story of Of Mice And Men, the author describes Lennie as a child trapped in a adult. Like a child, if they do something to hurt somebody they would feel bad or start to cry. And usually a child would never think of hurting somebody because children usually have a somewhat “pure heart”. The author also describes Lennie as a huge man, shapeless of face... and he walked... the way a bear drags his paws. That shows how strong physically and how “brutal” he looked compared to other people. Lennie also was very ironic for his last name being