
How Is Nick Portrayed In The Great Gatsby

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Luhrmann does a good job portraying the characters from the book. While reading the book, I saw Nick as a third wheeler who was just awkwardly with Gatsby and Daisy. In the scene when Gatsby is telling Daisy to tell Tom she never loved him, Nick was just standing on the side of the room just watching them argue. Also in the scene when Tom goes to see Mertile, you can see the awkwardness. He is watching his cousin get cheated on. He is just an awkward character throughout the story and Luhrmann does a great job showing that. That's how I saw Nick while reading the book. Luhrmann doesn’t do a good job showing the story of Nick. It doesn’t talk about what he ended up doing at the end. The movie didn’t do a good job portraying Gatsby in my opinion. In the book, it put a huge emphasis on how hard he worked to get to where he got. I feel like it just shows Gatsby as a rich wealthy man who didn't have to work …show more content…

A rich snotty man who thinks he can do whatever he wants. Right in the beginning of the movie, you see him playing polo and he has servants waiting for him to finish. This clearly shows he is rich enough to have servants serving him. In the scene when they go to see Mertile, he starts flirting with her in front of her husband. I don't care how rich he is, I don't think its right to do that. He thinks its ok because he is rich but that doesn't work as an excuse. I don't think Luhrmann did a good job portraying Mertile. When I read the book, I didn't see her as a flirtatious type. I felt like she was calmer. In the movie, it showed her flirting and being all over Tom. She was just a little to energetic in the Movie. From when Tom came to her at her husband's garage to when they were in the apartment in the city. She was just jumpy and it didn't feel like it was her. If Luhrmann made her a little less hyper than it would have felt like it was her. It just felt like that character didn’t match what I was expecting her to

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