
How Is Panos Justified In Killing The Necromancer?

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Panos did not run, did not stomp, yet he moved quickly and the dark halls thundered at his approach. He appeared the physical incarnation of anger, intent only on one thing. Killing the necromancer. Ged did not intend to make it an easy task. Stone shifted, metal bent, dirt crumbled, the temple groaned as it was given new shape. The ground sloped, and the God-King began to descend into whatever trap the necromancer had set before him. Not content to passively allow his enemy to manipulate him, he picked up speed. He could sense his shield and his mace placed at opposite ends of the tomb, he had no hesitation in making his choice. Strategically the shield would be his best option, its nature allowing him an easy way to counter whatever tricks Ged might employ. The floor …show more content…

"Therein lies the trouble, you have a problem with authority." Panos attacked, but the necromancer stepped back into the black and when the weapon struck he was nowhere to be seen. "You seem to think you are one." The voice came from behind, but even as he turned he knew Ged was no longer there. "Worse, you think Pascalina is." Above? "What a laugh that one." "Enough! A white light escaped the mace and the darkness retreated from its presence. It revealed the necromancer standing quite a ways away. "Well you're no-" Panos was already moving, the mace swung, it's magic slamming into the blood mage with the intent to obliterate him. Instead Ged was tossed back, boasting a few broken ribs and some new holes in his chest. The God King did not understand, he was not so weak. The necromancer coughed up blood, but despite this seemed rather pleased with himself. "I did warn you." He dabbed his hand in the blood leaking from his torso and let the dark fire that arose build. The God King charged, not one for the bantering aspect of combat. Ged unleashed his fireball, but Panos kept his course, knowing he would not be driven

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