How Is Sage Presented In The False Prince

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The False Prince Book Report: Characterization of Sage Throughout the story, Sage changes a lot making him a Dynamic character. At first, in the beginning, he was an orphan living in an orphanage which he really hated, and near the end, he became the Prince of Carthya, which a quote states support the claim, “If I had to do it all over again, I would have not chosen this life… I’m not sure if I had a choice” (1). This shows that Sage saw little freedom and had a lower wealthy life, which he had dearly hated at the story’s beginning, but as time progressed he became more wealthy to become a Prince and was treated better becoming the Prince of Carthya. Furthermore, Sage advanced to be much more acclimated to being treated as a royal. This shows that at the beginning of the story, Sage was never treated rightfully and equally as other important people, but near the end, he became treated rightfully and became a very important person. Lastly, Sage was taught how to ride a horse ride, swordfight, and learned about the history of the missing prince of Carthya. It is through these skills that Sage learns new skills and …show more content…

Firstly, one of his traits is that he is independent since his family abandoned him, which made him an orphan. This shows that Sage looks out for his own interests since he was never raised by a family at all and had to use his well-beings, made his own choices, and relied on himself often since there was no one taking care of him properly. Secondly, Sage is a reliable character since he had some of the same habits as the Prince which as flipping a coin with his knuckles, which only Prince Jaron could do, as a quote helps supports the claim, “Prince Jaron was famous for his ability to roll a coin over his knuckles” (244). This shows that Sage would be very helpful to be the replacement for Prince Jaron since he could only do what Prince Jaron could do and had some identical habits

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