
How Is Simon Uncivilized In Lord Of The Flies

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Innocence in a person is what makes them civilized, without that innocence there is nothing left but savagery. No matter the person, they will always have evil within them. To have the right mind, it does not always mean it will act right. In William Golding’s novel, The Lord of the Flies, a group of young boys are set off on an island that is deserted, where they begin to lose themselves to civilization, and their innocence. Without adult supervision, the boys quickly become uncivilized. Throughout the novel, Golding uses Simon to represent the innocence and goodness of the boys before becoming uncivilized. During the novel, Simon continued to represent the goodness within the boys. In the beginning of Lord of the Flies, Simon kept to himself and was …show more content…

This represents how the others see Simon from the start of the novel, and how different he is from the others. Eventually, Simon is beaten to death by the rest of the boys due to being mistaken for the beast. Furthermore, the pig's head or the “Lord of the Flies” in the novel depicts evil, and the darkness within those. The Lord of the Flies is not real but completely made up, in the novel it is not known by the boys what the lord of the Flies is only that the pig head is the lord of the flies, the pig head is mentioned throughout the novel. An example of when it is mentioned is when Jack kills a female pig stated in the novel: “They cut off the pig’s head and Jack asks Roger to sharpen a stick at both ends” “This head is for the beast. Its a gift” (Downs 8) Jack killing the pig and deciding that it is a gift for the beast reveals he does have the feeling of power and superiority, by doing so it shows just how savage the boys can be, this reveals through the dead pig’s head the darkness within humans. Ultimately, the Lord of the Flies brings destruction and

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