Simon's Body Language In Lord Of The Flies

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Within the first frame, both the shot type and Simon’s body language give meaning to the shot. In the beginning frame a natural view, a long shot is used with the focus on Simon’s back, and a secondary focus on the Lord of the Flies. This is an establishing shot, which displays that Simon is alone in a clearing in the woods with the Lord of the Flies, displaying the setting for the scene. Simon is standing still with his back to the camera and his focus on the Lord of the Flies who is in front of him. Simon’s lack of movement displays how he is listening intently to the Lord of the Flies, Simon having his back to the camera represents how at this time he has no concern for the outside world and is completely transfixed on the pig head. The second frame used the camera angle and a symbol to add meaning to the shot. The camera is placed so that Simon’s shoulder is on the left side of the frame with the Lord of the Flies centered in the shot. This shows how Simon’s attention is completely focused on the pig, this also establishes to the viewer that the Lord of the Flies will be the primary focus of the scene. There are also flies flying around the upper half of the pigs head during this shot. The flies symbolize life and activity within the Lord of the Flies’ mind, giving the illusion that the dead pig is a sentient, thinking being. Simon’s facial expression and the lighting are both used in the third frame to add significance to the dialogue and actions of the scene.