How Is The Culture Different In The Great Gatsby

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In the 1920s, culture was different compared to now; but how is it so different? What impacted the culture? In 1925 came the American novel that many love and respect. The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby is a significant symbol not only as a book but to the culture; that lived back in the 1920s. Why is that though?

In the 1920s the culture was different. We as a Nation were flourishing; even the middle class people had mansions. Just like in “The Great Gatsby” by Jay Gatsby, the mansion symbolizes the grandness that hit in the 1920s. In my opinion I agree that we were flourishing. Everything was perfect, nothing was wrong in the world. It was a regular common world.' There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy, and the tired.”( Gatsby, last line). This quote represents what you call “normal people”, I used this quote because in the 1920s this is what people were like, just sweet and simple. …show more content…

In “The Great Gatsby, By Jay Gatsby”, there is a symbol called the Valley of Ashes. The symbols symbolize that during the 1920s life was good; for some people it was. As people would grow from the economy's growth others would get caught in the middle of it. Many would work their lives away in the factories and not gain anything while others such as the business owner would. In The Great Gatsby there is a quote that says, "Fine health to be pulled down out of the young breath-giving air"( Fitzgerald, Chapter 1). This quote means that people that were ready to start their dream. and work got the opportunity taken from them and left with nothing. I used the valley of ashes to show that this still carries on in the now. About eight billion are trying to grow and make something for themselves; but sadly many get left in the