How Is Victor Frankenstein Similar To The Modern Prometheus

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In the book Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein is portrayed by the author as the "The Modern Prometheus", which lead the author to subtitling Frankenstein "The Modern Prometheus". According to Greek literature Prometheus was a Titan, who came before the Greek Gods, and created man out of clay. Prometheus sympathized for man, because they were his creation. Unlike, Prometheus, Victor Frankenstein didn't sympathized for his creation, and abandoned him which brought about the destruction caused by the monster. Victor and Prometheus are both alike because they both created something that was living, but both of they're creations brought destruction with it. Victor Frankenstein and Prometheus both have the similar qualities of a …show more content…

A Titan was an ancient, immortal, and immensely powerful race. The Titans came before the Greek Gods, there fore neither of them had a liking towards each other. In the story of Prometheus, Zeus has begun to demand food offering from Prometheus's creation Man. Prometheus sympathizes for man and teaches them a way to trick the gods into accepting the less useful parts of the meat, so they could keep the best parts for themselves. To punish the Humans the Greek gods took away fire. Prometheus didn't like this, so he crept into the underworld, stole fire from Hephaestus, and gave it to Man. Zeus was furious with Prometheus, so he chained him to a rock and had his liver eaten by a bird everyday for thirty thousand years. Prometheus sought fire for Man so they could could better they're lives by making tools, and warming they're hearts with the warmth of fire, but with that, also came human destruction. The story of Prometheus is very similar to Mary Shelleys story about Victor Frankenstein, who was striving for human betterment with his creation, but the creature only brought about destruction. In the story Frankenstein, Victor claims that "benevolent intentions, and thirst for the moment when I should put them into practice", he is pretty much saying that he meant well, and had a draw to the moment that caused him to put his idea into practice. Shelley didn't just borrow the title of Prometheus she also had some very similar themes,