How Lee Has Changed The Most In Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie

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“Flux” is anywhere. It either can “sux” or “rox”. With changes people will change along the way. From appearance, to deep down inside. Many will argue which character in the book has changed,from all of the opinions and reasonings with further evidence, it seems to stand out that Lee has changed the most throughout Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie. From her style changing so drastically, to having one opinion about one thing and changing the perspective completely. One of the reasons why Lee changed the most was what she wore at the beginning of the book contrasting to what she wore at the end of the book. In the beginning Lee wore a lot of clothing that made a statement, usually not very mainstream. For example: “Trick or treat. It was only the …show more content…

Lee has done a number of things for a particular person that she wouldn’t have done prior to meeting this person. She snorted at the idea of going to a dance, as well as, wished a particular someone a Happy New Year. “‘Hey, you need to have a little fun. You should go to the dance on Friday.’ As I spoke, I realized she might think I was inviting her. That would be awkward. My mind raced in search of some way to make it clear that I wasn’t asking her to go with me. But I didn’t have to worry. Lee actually snorted as she walked away” (Lubar 189). Got someone a gift for Valentines and said a gift in return was not mandatory. “‘Happy artificial holiday with strong commercial overtones.’ Lee handed me a wrinkled white paper bag. She was wearing a shirt with a heart on it. I guess in honor of Valentine’s Day. Except it was a real heart. ‘Happy that to you, too’ I looked inside the bag and shook it a bit. Jelly beans. All black. ‘I don’t have anything for you.’ ‘Reciprocity is not mandatory,’ she said (Lubar 192). As well as later on asking another character to the dance, “Lee had taken one of the smaller posters and stuck it on my locker. Underneath she wrote Let’s go. For an instant, I thought she was serious. Then I realized it was typical Lee humor. Another weird locker message with layers of meaning. When I saw her on the way out of homeroom, I said, ‘Good one.’ ‘Good what?’ ‘Your joke about