How Photography Affected My Life

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I have only taken Foundations I in the years that I have been at Texas State and I was challenged in ways I haven’t been before. That class made me experiment different things and made me open my mind to other ideas. The most challenging part was making decisions myself when I was shooting because it was more of a trail and error thing more than someone being there to guide you on something different, but I guess that just how photography classes work.

Since I started photographing I have basically been self taught. Starting when I was 12 years old with a small cheap digital camera. I was also self taught in Photoshop with a little bit of help through YouTube videos and staying up till 3 in the morning, figuring out how to practice on bad quality photos. I also didn’t have a lot of money to pay for any equipment to practice with like external flash and …show more content…

This is when my love for fashion photography started and the traveling that comes along with it. I already love traveling itself but mixing photography within it was an idea that never left my mind. Another photographer that influences my life would have to be Steven Klein. His exaggeration on concept, lighting, makeup etc. is something that has always caught my eye.

I love the way that photography tells a story, brings back the memories, and depicts whatever message you are trying to relay. I want to play with color and lighting in my photographs, mostly have fun with my experience. Not only my experience with the photograph or set up itself, but also the interaction with whoever is in my photograph. I’m still trying to discover my style but as of right now and since the beginning of my love for photography, my most interest goes towards fashion photography and going to different countries to photograph different cultures and their side of their