How Real Is Too Realism Essay

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Cira, Nate J., et al. "A Biotic Game Design Project For Integrated Life Science And Engineering Education." Plos Biology 13.3 (2015): 1-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Oct. 2016. This documant says how game design can be used to make new prothetics. This docGame designers can be used to design new prosthetics. As technology advances new prosthetics will become available. These designs may just become real. The document has nothing to do with game development. Its advanced bio-technology and it’ll take a lot of time and materials. Even then it’ll be very expensive to implement.
Litty, Jamie M. "How Real Is Too Real For The Law? Realism Versus Right Of Publicity In Video Game Design." Journal Of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 60.3 (2016): …show more content…

The document explains that games are getting more realistic. With all of the improvements in graphics getting better at a rapid rate some are having trouble to tell the difference. To put it simply how real is too realistic. The document has to do with law and how life like should a game become. The document takes into account seven factors that say how realistic a game is. Through this more than likely will affect FPS(first person shooter) games more than it would RTS(real time strategy) games in the long run of all events that are E-Sports.
Crash corse This playlist explians the history and how some games were played. It tells the history of games from board to digital games. Tells the story of games and how some ancient games were played. Like the first A.I. that was made in 1949 for a game of tic-tac-toe. The first real video game was called “space wars!” (Yes, that’s the name). Tells the history, but how games are technically. Could use more detail in how games are developed. Though the playlist covers more of the subjects.
Arnab, Sylvester, et al. "Mapping Learning And Game Mechanics For Serious Games Analysis." British Journal Of Educational Technology 46.2 (2015): 391-411.Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Oct.