How Revolutionary: How Revolutionary Was The American Revolution?

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How Revolutionary was the American Revolution? Growing tensions between Britain and their colonies created a conflict that resulted in the Revolutionary war. The colonies succeeded in becoming independent, and set off on a quite different path than Britain’s. The American Revolution’s multiple aspects created an opportunity for historians to debate the extent to which the revolution is revolutionary. The Revolution altered the current format of society by developing a new, progressive set of ideals. Due to the changes made by the Revolution that created the newly founded country, including the changes in wealth distribution, the democratic systems of law and government, and the development of American ideology of freedom and personal liberty, …show more content…

The stasis within the social classes after the revolution was beneficial to society. “One class did not overthrow another; the poor did not supplant the rich. But social relationships-- the way people were connected to one another-- were changed, and decisively so” (Wood 132). There was a solid relationship between higher and lower classes, and that helped maintain balance within communities, which made the new country a “giant, almost continent wide republic of nearly ten million egalitarian-minded bustling citizens who not only had thrust themselves into the vanguard of history but had fundamentally altered their society and their social relationships” (132-133). This was a massive impact on America’s culture and set of ideals. The country was composed of a diverse group of people of different wealth statuses, but despite the tax variations, people were still able to live in suitable shelters (Wethersfield Document E). There was not a high presence of poverty. Joseph Webb had to pay £178 regularly, while Titus Buck only had to pay £17. Even though there is a significant difference in money needed to pay, Buck’s house doesn’t represent him to be indigent. People of different wealth classes were all able to live in adequate