How School Made Me Essay

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How School Made Me Question Education
Many times over the years I question my education a lot, for example “ would it make a difference if I were to get my Diploma or not?, how will this Diploma help me make it in the adult world if people say I am not allowed to work?, who is willing to help me along the process?” like others I have had my difficult times through out my hole school experience. School only was not for me because no one was willing to help me along the way but then I realized something important one day ‘no one was going to help me get my Diploma but myself’ and everything became a little clear. I have to say that elementary was easy but I lacked confidence in almost everything I did. When I got …show more content…

By the time I got to high school my life was a roller coaster but I managed to gain control of everything. In todays society I or any one else for that matter really can not do much with out an education/Diploma, no one will take you serious ‘period’.

Growing up learning was a bit difficult for myself but I had an idea of what was being taught to me, everything in my head was not just clicking together. When I lived in Rialto CA not only did I go to one school but two good schools. From kindergarden through third grade I attended Myers elementary school, I do not remember being an A student but I was not the worst either. Kindergarden was easy the second time around, I thought everything was going to be easy. I remember one time getting real sick and having to miss a lot of school but I was blessed with awesome teacher and staff members at the school. In first grade I was getting by very well and I had an earged to want to learn more. In second grade things were looking good but they did become a bit challenge for me. In third grade for some odd reason I was have trouble understanding what was being taught to me. I was in RSP which was a program to help me grasp what I was being taught. I have to say it really helped but in school I never had