
How Should Biofuels Be Banned In The United States?

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With the continued use of fossil fuels the world sees that there needs to be an alternative source of energy to slow down the over use of a nonrenewable fuel source. There is one popular alternative source that has started to be used called “biofuel”. Biofuel is a fuel derived directly from living matter, for example, it can sometimes come from the use of food and waste products. Biofuel is most commonly known as ethanol(Monbiot). Now, given all of the facts about biofuels, they seem like a good idea; however, they are not the most effective tool for kicking the oil addiction as they seem. Contrary to popular belief, facts have proven that show biofuel is unreliable, wasteful, and undependable. Although biofuel has been successful in other …show more content…

On another note biofuels require a large amount of energy to produce and makes it seem like an endless cycle of wasting energy. Evidence of this is that in order to get one gallon of gasoline in terms of energy output, it would require 1 ½ gallons of ethanol a type of biofuel (James and Powell). This means that ethanol is not as efficient as gasoline. This would cause a large amount of waste because more needs to be grown in order to supply the united states fuel supply. Therefore in order to reduce waste, biofuels should be banned in the United States. Another example of biofuel energy inefficiency is that biofuels require a large amount of energy to make as well (James and Powell). According to this information, that biofuels cost a large amount of energy to make. If biofuels are not as efficient as the current fuel source than the energy profit will not be enough to rely on. Due to biofuel’s impracticality, biofuels should be banned in the United States. To top it all off “The entire U.S. corn crop would supply only 3.7 percent of our auto and truck transport demand. Using the entire 300 million acres of U.S. cropland for corn-based ethanol production would meet about 15 percent of the demand”(James and Powell). This means that biofuels cannot supply the United States. Due to how inefficient biofuels are means that they are wasting food. Also if the United States is putting so much time, money and effort into making biofuels work instead of searching for more alternatives than it will end up hurting the United States because the more time they put into biofuel the more energy is wasted in the cycle. Therefore biofuels should be banned in the United States Because ethanol is less efficient, takes energy to make, and will not supply the amount of energy required to supply the United States means biofuels should be banned from use in the United

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