
Hunger Fundamentals 'Third World Builder' By Zoe Kenny

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In the article “GLOBAL WARMING, BIOFUELS WORSEN WORLD HUNGER”, the author, Zoe Kenny discussed the factors lead to hunger. Kenny argues that the pushing for biofuels using is one of the most important factors that intensified the hunger in the world and give some solutions.
Hunger is the most typical symbol of poverty. The author shows some specific data to illustrated how serious the hunger problem is. There were approximately 800 million people went hunger every day and more than 400 million children were dead shortly after birth (Kenny, 2007). In addition, more than 1 billion people live a poor life with no more than 1 dollar per day and every 3.6 seconds would starve to death (Kenny, 2007). Hunger is more easily to be found in the Third world and the most easily to be attacked group were people in small-scale farm and cooperatives.

Because of the influences of global …show more content…

US government encouraged Third World countries to planted more biofuels crops in their limited cultivated land but increased world corn prices (Kenny, 2007). In addition, the US government also signed an agreement with Brazil to encourage and develop biofuels project which attracted other poor countries in Asia and Africa (Kenny, 2007). However, there are 40% of the earth are used by agriculture and 1/3 of them are need to be transferred into biofuels production. More biofuels using, more hunger occur. Kenny (2007) argues that biofuels could not help to improve global warming but the culprit of it. In order to seek more land, some countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia cut down tropical forests on a large scale and emitted greenhouse gasses by burned them (Kenny, 2007). What’s more, bad climate change caused extreme weather which has seriously impact on food production and increased hunger in poor countries (Kenny,

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