Exemplification Essay: Hunger In America

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Fruit. I absolutely, 100%, unequivocally, flat out love fruit. From as far back as I can remember, fruit has been a staple in my daily effort to chase down a perfect PDV. What’s a PDV you might ask? You probably know it well and have seen it thousands of times at your local grocer. PDV stands for percentage daily value and it refers to the nutrients in a serving of whatever you're eating. In my case fruit. Strawberries, bananas, oranges, mangoes practically anything sweet and in the produce section, count me “in” no matter the cost.
And since my dad’s paying, the cost really doesn’t affect me too much. He says that I have expensive taste buds but he’s willing to pay the price for fresh produce as long as I eat it up before it goes bad. So …show more content…

What is this huge crisis, major issue, monumental problem, and devastating concern? In short, the world has a food shortage. It’s a documented fact that one (1) billion people around the globe are starved and hungry. Did you hear that? One (1) billion people in our great world are starving, today, right this very minute. Focus those stats on the US and you’ll find that Americans are hungry too. According to a recent government study called, Hunger In America, released in September 2015 by the World Hunger Education Service, 14.0 percent or 17.5 million US households were considered “food insecure”, that’s roughly one in seven households. This means that people were literally feeling "the uneasy or painful sensation caused by (a) want of food" (Oxford English Dictionary, 1971) for days each year.
Now add this hunger epidemic to the results of the July 2015 United Nations report entitled World Population Prospects, then things really start to look bleak. The report shows that our world's current population of 7.3 billion is on the grow. By 2030, just fourteen (14) years from now, our global population is expected to increase to 8.5 billion. That’s an increase of 1.2 billion people before I turn thirty (30) years old. By the time I’m 50, world-wide population could increase to 9.7