
How Significant Was The Use Of Intimidation And Terror In Nazi Germany

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How significant was the use of intimidation and terror in Nazi Germany 1933-1945? The period between 1933 and 1945 in Nazi Germany was one of if not the most oppressive and brutal time periods of the modern era. This period was full of deceit, murder, terror and intimidation. The Nazi party employed many forms of tactics to control the public including propaganda, violence and persecution in order to prevent or silence the opposition. This essay will explore the significance of the use of intimidation and terror in the Nazi’s parties regime, examining its impacts on political, social and economic aspects of German society


Intimidation and Terror was essential for the Nazi party's establishment and maintenance of its political …show more content…

For example the Gestapo or the Geheime Staatspolizei was the Nazi’s secret police founded in March of 1933 and being operational to some extent all the way till the end of the Nazi party in 1945. The Gestapo was incredibly significant in the creation of fear in Germany. This was because the main role of the Gestapo was to oppress any opposition to the Nazi party. With over 32,000 informants; many couldn't speak freely about the Nazi party of Hitlers brutal regime without fear of being heard. The Gestapo was notorious for their brutal forms of punishment including torture, arrest and beatings. This had a significant effect on the German population as they all knew what would happen if they spoke out. This played a pivotal role in the establishment and preservation of the Nazi …show more content…

The Hitler Youth or Hitlerjugend formed in 1926 became a militia when Hitler gained power in 1933. The Hitler youth were largely loyal solely to the Nazi party over the following years the Hitler Youth gained over 8 million participants as Bernhard Rust a Nazi education minister said “The whole function of education is to create a Nazi.”. This was significant as the Hitler Youth soon became informants for the Nazi party similar to the Gestapo as they were completely loyal to Hitler nobody dared speak in front of them. This helped Hitler oppress the population and continue his

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