Thinking enables us to communicate and create. Thinking encompasses so many aspects within children. Observing, learning, remembering, questioning, are just a few aspects on how we think. In various sectors of the society, the government/ teachers, parents, etc. have an important role to play with technology. The prevalence of technology drastically affects many areas of society in positive ways, including education. Modern-day students not only have computers to help them with their schoolwork, they also use the Internet for research. Through new technology, we gain new cures for diseases, new healthy alternatives for eating, and new forms of communication. Technology has simplified our lives but has also harmed the lives of young children. …show more content…
When being introduced to technology at such a young age, the creativity and the imagination a child may have will be limited as well as their sensory and motor development. In my perspective, technology is taking away certain skills that children should be grasping. For example, a lot of children may enter schools without the ability to pay attention in class for long periods of time. The attention span for children is deceasing due to the advances of technology. As we discussed in class, “the challenge in developing complex cognition is learning how to automate the non-recurrent skills. Technology should support learners to master the non-recurrent …show more content…
It is almost as if we are brain washed to believe that we need this much technology in our lives or that we can not survive or properly function without having the most advanced technology out there. I personally do not like being exposed to this much technology because I have seen what it has done to me. I would be lost if I were to go to a library to find information upon any paper, without using some sort of technology. I do not go out as often anymore because I am always on my phone chatting away or perhaps because I am on the computer exploring random websites. In other words, I was losing the sight of face to face interaction. Therefore, I have taken the computer out of my room and I limit myself on the amount of time I will pursue on my phone. My attention spam is not as great as it should be for someone my age. Technology is so advanced that when I am sitting in a classroom setting, not only is the information given to me slower compared to the Internet bu because I have no control to speed the process up, my attention goes elsewhere. I most definitely do not accept the fact that children from K-6th grade are so attached to technology. Some of these children can work an ipad or an iphone better then their parents. When I saw a computer in a Kindergarten classroom setting for these children to explore around, it did get to me a little because I know how technology as affected