Various groups of Canadians had negative experiences, due to discriminatory policies that had taken the rights and freedoms of some Canadians. The citizens impacted were just like you and me. They go to school, plan for their future, and sneak around their parents back, and even fall in love. Cod Moratorium was just one of the negative impacts of Canadian History. It was one of those changes when the Canadian government shut the industry down in July 1992. As well as the Internment of Japanese Canadians by isolating their culture and religion for no reason. Lastly, Residential schools was another tragic event, which was held to weaken aboriginal children. These three events; Cod Moratorium, Internment of Japanese Canadians, and Residential …show more content…
The Cod Moratorium put many fishermen without jobs and was not acceptable in 1992. According to the Constitution Act of 1982 mobility rights section 6 (2b) your allowed “to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province”. This proves that anyone, being Canadian citizen has the right to a livelihood which includes the right to a job. Secondly, The Constitution Act of 1982 addresses how no discrimination should be faced in your province. Section 6 (3a) states “only laws or practices of general application in force in a province of other than those that discriminate among persons primarily on the basis of province of present or previous residence”. No one should be discriminated against, so the treatment of the fisherman was unreasonable when losing their jobs, with little money now. Lastly, the fishermen's boats and fishnets were all burned and damaged. They did not have the right to do that so some fisherman stood up for themselves. The Constitution Act, Fundamental freedom (2b) says “[you have] freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression. This law states you're allowed to defend and stand up for what you believe is right. On Regional News Aurora it said, “some fisherman knock down the doors to the hotel conference room in St. Johns” to try and prevent getting their jobs taken away, to talk in the conference room and express how they …show more content…
100 years have gone by and there is still discrimination in parts of our world today. We need to remember the children who had been suffering through these schools and be happy it wasn’t you. Cod Moratorium, Internment of Japanese Canadians, and Residential schools were represented to be a huge negative downturn of history. Each of these impacted some Canadian citizens dramatically. We are blessed the world has changed from the tragic horror back then. Imagine that we are young, planning our future, then that all turns around because of your background, culture, and race. Our world is so scared of different people that when we notice different things in a person the first thing our brain tells us to is fear.”You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along”. - Eleanor Roosevelt. We all have the power to change the world and create history, we have the power to change all the imperfections the world have, to prevent events like residential schools, Isolating Japanese, cod moratorium to happen. We just need to work together. Find your purpose, Find your value and together we can try and make our world a better place to prevent tragic events like these from ever happening