How The Central Dogma Works

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Have you ever wanted to know how proteins were made? Or how the central dogma works? Well, I’m going to roughly explain the whole process of how DNA turns into a protein, and how the central dogmas process works. There was a scientist named Crick and he decided to do research on what the central dogma is and the process in which it works. He explained it as a process that has multiple steps to make the result, The result being a protein. A different scientist named James Watson had a similar process for it, but his process involved having a shorter process with fewer steps.(Wikipedia,2017)The dogma itself is a sequence of steps that transform a piece of DNA into a piece of protein. The central dogma also has to do with different types of transfers. …show more content…

Transcription is a process that copies a section of DNA and transforms it into a different piece of new RNA. Then that new piece of RNA has to go through a different process that makes a new type of RNA. Transcription also has to through another process called splicing, splicing helps with making new and more different types of molecules. That’s what transcription is but there is also steps to it also, there are three steps in total. Step 1, the transcription process sees the start of a gene and it begins to take apart or unwind the piece of DNA. Step 2, The piece of RNA uses a piece of DNA, then the piece of RNA forms with different pairs based on the DNA. there are multiple different pairs in the process. Then the piece of RNA breaks off and the DNA fixes itself back together. The final step, step 3. As the piece of RNA is being completed it disconnects itself from DNA and the transcription process falls apart on its own.(Book, 2017) That summarizes the steps of what transcription does to make new RNA for the next part of the process. An example of transcription can also occur in different viruses and diseases, it can happen when the RNA makes a new piece of DNA.(,2017) Transcription is a very important key role in making a new piece of protein. It is very similar in some ways to the next part of the process because they are connected in some ways. And they both need each other to make the final product. The next step in The dogma is Translation and it’s the final big process in making the protein I’ll explain that