How The Hotplate And Water Affects The Temperature Of Chocolates

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In this experiment, the question being asked is, how does the temperature of the hotplate and water affect how fast the chocolate melts? The three types of chocolate that will be used are white, 70%, and 90%. It was hypothesized that the white chocolate will probably melt the fastest because there is more cocoa butter and sugar and there are no cocoa solids. The 70% cocoa chocolate will most likely melt the second fastest because of it has the least amount of cocoa solids. The 90% cocoa chocolate will, in all likelihood, melt the slowest because it has the most cocoa solids. In this experimentation, the data showed that the 70% melted the fastest. It melted in three minutes and ten seconds and has a melting point of 54.2℃. The 90% melted the

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