How To Becoming A Marine Essay

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Becoming a Marine M.P. For one of the most intense and vertiginous jobs in the world, you should consider a job in the Marines. If you like to travel and explore larger parts of world, the United States Marine Corps allows for those opportunities. Marine M.P. serve and protect while keeping order and enforcing the law, therefor by better understanding the educational requirements, job advancements, job responsibilities, and retirement opportunities, you better grasp the dedication people have about this field of work. The educational requirements for the Marines are a high school diploma and a required ASVAB score of (40). ASVAB stands for ,”Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery,’’ a series of test that helps you better understand your strengths and identify which jobs best suit you. Once taken the ASVAB test, you will learn what kind of jobs you will be placed in, and know what you need to get the job you want. In the military, if you wish to continue your education, they will pay for your tuition. Must qualify, “Qualified students can earn full-tuition, merit-based …show more content…

Marine are to serve and protect our country. The responsibilities of a Marine M.P. are to enforce the law and keep order. “Military Police perform assigned military law enforcement duties to uphold the criminal justice system,” (BLS) to maintain well order and discipline. “Typical duties include foot and motorized patrols” (NATA). The responsibilities that come with becoming an M.P. can weigh heavy on the person. He or she must complete law enforcement military police training and remain calm under intense situations. It is important to learn about the responsibilities and requirements about becoming an M.P., and what they undergo and must pass in order to becoming an M.P. The responsibilities of an M.P. is difficult, but the reward is well worth it. Earning the part of a brotherhood and self-satisfaction is a huge and a well-earned