How To Say That Janie's Sense Of Control In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Wilkie Collins said “Any woman who is sure of her own wits, is a match, at any time, for a man who is not sure of his own temper.” In Zora Neale Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes were Watching God, Janie threatens Joe’s sense of control. Janie threatens Joe because of her ability to undermine Joe’s management and authority. Joe Starks is uncomfortable because he enjoys being in control, but isn’t always in that position. Janie threatens Joe because of her free will
Joe Starks feels threatened by Janie because of her independence. When Janie is asked to give a speech, Joe cuts in and says, “Thank yuh fuh yo’ compliments, but mah wife don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no speech makin’. Ah never married her for nothin’ lak dat. She’s a woman and her place is in de home” (43). Joe Starks wants Janie to be an object that is to be admired and to help her husband when needed. When Janie stands up to Joe he feels he is losing control of his wife. After Janie cuts the tobacco incorrectly, Janie and Joe …show more content…

Joe goes as far as to ordering her what to wear when he says,” Her hair was NOT going to show in the store. It didn’t seem sensible at all. That was because Joe never told Janie how jealous he was”(55).Joe is concerned about other men admiring his wife because he is afraid that Janie will no longer listen to him, and then leave him. It is very important to Joe that he possesses complete ownership and dominance over Janie, so when Janie resists, Joe becomes worried. When Joe couldn’t find the order for the pig’s feet, he says, ”You ain’t put it where Ah told yuh tuh. If you’d git yo’ mind out de streets and keep it on yo’ business maybe you could git somethin’ straight sometimes” (70). Joe use Janie’s errors as a way to exert control over her because it makes him feel that he is more powerful than Janie. Joe becomes worried and anxious when Janie talks back because he feels like he has lost control. Joe needs his sense of control to feel