
How To Survive In Lord Of The Flies

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You are trapped in an island, stuck with other people, trying to survive on a small island, and the only way to get rescued is a boat or a airplane, what would be the first thing you would do, what would be your main goal? In Lord of the Flies, two different people, had two different goals. Some people would debate over which goal is more important, getting a fire started to try and get rescued as fast as you can, or hunting for food to try and survive. A fire could be the only thing that could save anybody’s life that is stuck on an island, it’s the most important key of survival. In Lord of the Flies, the boys used the fire for cooking raw meat, that raw meat gave them more energy to being able to survive, and at the end, a fire is what eventually saved them, if it wasn’t for a fire, Ralph would of died, and the boys on the island would of probably died of one by one. …show more content…

Even if you get a fire going, it's going to be a long time until anybody sees, so until you get rescued, you have to get something to eat. There would be fruits and stuff all around the island, but eating too much fruit is not good for you, so you have to get other form of energy, which would be protein. In lord of the Flies, Jack and his “tribe” hunts for meat everyday, because it give them more energy than anything else on that island, it helps them get through the day to take care of their business. In survival, it’s important to get away the wild life, because as you hunt them during the day, they hunt you during the night, so having shelter keeps away harm, and it provides cover from

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