How To Write An Epilogue To Daisy's Frankenstein

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The moon was high in the sky when Daisy had climbed down the weaved terrace outside of her and her mother’s shared window. The night was breezy and slightly warm, but not uncomfortably so, and the pleasant scent of her grandmother’s magnolia tree danced through the air, proudly proclaiming that spring had finally ended for sure and that summer would soon be swelling up in the small town where her and her small family lived. She stepped carefully onto the soft long grasses of her backyard and looked out upon the lake. Her late night excursions had been happening more and more frequently, and she kept them hidden from her mother the best she could. This was for two different reasons, the first of course being that Daisy’s mother would probably …show more content…

However, in the waters she detected a sharp coolness. The water wasn’t ever particularly warm this far down, but now it seemed to be distinctly cold. She knew this wasn’t normal, so she asked the creature what was wrong.
“Is there something wrong?” She bubbled in concern. The creature shimmered as it replied-
“Yes. It is, however, a matter I am not sure you can help me with.” The creature continued, rumbling, “You know me to be omnipotent, omniscient. I have not been honest with you. I do know most everything in the universe. I have seen all. I have heard all. I have felt every human emotion possible over my many years on this planet, and yet over the last millennium I have tried and tried and not learned one …show more content…

The creature hummed. “But could you explain it? Why it seems to happen at the most unfortunate times? Why it seems to be the most irregular and most troublesome of emotions?”
Daisy shook her head. “I know of a university.” The orb continued, “That may teach of such a thing-” “That’s great!” Daisy interjected. The beast made a sort of sigh. “But I cannot move from this place. The earth is my home. If I could ever hope to learn what love truly is, then it would require me to learn by proxy.”
Daisy thought for a bit, then smiled. “Wait, this university, maybe I could go! I mean, not now- but when I get older, I mean.” She said, excitedly. “Where is it?” “It is among the stars.” the beast answered. “Light Years away in a galaxy called Proxima Polystratus. It is called the University of Luminescence. It is as ancient as your sun.” Daisy’s heart beat fast in her chest with excitement, then her face dropped. “Oh. It’s so far away. There’s no way I could ever go.” The orb dimmed again, but only for a moment. “What if I make you a deal?” It began, it’s voice sounding optimistic, suddenly. “I promise I will get you to the University on the eighteenth anniversary of your birth. But you must promise to go to the University of Luminescence, return, and tell me about love. Do you