
Ukulala And The Dragon: A Narrative Fiction

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Morgana might even stop the war.”Arthur’s eyes flash for a moment, but then he sags and gives a little nod after a couple very long moments. I smile crookedly, impressed. I understand his hatred of magic; he’s lost so much to it, friends, family, both his parents.

Arthur frowns at me as I push our little wooden boat out into the clear water of Lake Iscicabha. “Are you sure about this? My tutor, when I was five, he brought me here all the time for lessons. Never noticed any magic.” Suddenly there’s terrible silence, “Oh god Merlin, I’m not running away from battle!” I whip around as he stands up.
“You’re going to tip the boat!”
“Merlin!” He waves his arms, “I am not craven, I can’t believe you thoug-“
“Ukulala.” He promptly collapses from …show more content…

My voice cracks terribly, and Arthur’s eyes are so wet, I feel terrible but the words keep pouring out, random and thoughtless, trying to explain how I feel, why, “And I want you to know, “ I take a ragged breath, “So much of me is what you have made me.”
“You’ll always be a part of me, like my scars.” I whisper, and I find myself sliding down off the seat towards him so our feet bump against each other’s with every lulling wave. “And whatever way,” My throat tightens painfully, I gulp, “I end, I will be happy knowing you have a future.”
“Now listen Arthur, listen very carefully.” Oh my voice wobbles awfully, like a new actress and it’s her first time on stage and she sways back and forth like she’s on a tightrope with her nerves. “I’m going to enchant you, I’m going to put you to sleep and when you wake up…. When you wake up,” I start again, my mind keeps wandering off and my eyes are burning so much it’s hard to think let alone speak while looking into his shocked face, his sad and angry eyes, “You’ll be where I came from, I came from the future Arthur. Far beyond tomorrow. And.” I exhale.
“I can’t let you die,” I admit, “I will be more than content to know you

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