How To Write An Essay On Alex's Relationship With Her Father

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Alex is a delightful child with qualities that make her a credit to her family. Alex’s self-esteem and self-worth appears very positive as she has a bright and bubbly nature, with a friendly, chatty and caring disposition. Alex likes herself and those around her which is evidenced by her being a popular child amongst her peers. It could be suggested, it is likely Alex’s temperament which has enabled her to be resilient and remain positive, despite previously experiencing severe trauma and distress. It is has been lovely watching Alex grow in confidence over the weeks spent working with her. Alex was never a shy child but as her trust developed so too has her honesty and openness about her feelings and life. It is obvious Alex has a strong sense of identity through belonging within a large family whom she loves, and feels loved by. Throughout direct work, Alex talks fondly about the numerous family members who provide …show more content…

Alex shared that at the moment she gets ‘upset’ when seeing her brother, William, as she misses him when he has to leave. The way in which Alex describes how her mum, Terri, patiently explained the situation to her so she can understand the reason why William leaves appears to highlight Terri is considerate about Alex’s emotional wellbeing. Similarly, Alex discussed ways in which Terri is attentive to Alex’s needs; Alex always presents as clean, smartly dressed, and having shiny, healthy-looking brushed hair, whilst Alex mentioned her mum entertains her by participating in games with her or watching television together which suggests they have a close and secure bond. Even the fact that Alex has been able to have her dog, Oliver, back is a simple thing which is massively important for her. It gives Alex the sense of normality she craves and had lost when she was forced to move to a place of

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