How To Write An Essay On The Hunger Games

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In the movie The Hunger Games it is a different type of world with a different society that we live in. Katniss Everdeen lives in district twelve where they provide coal to the capital. The capital has set a certain role for every district and has set the fate of everyone that is in each one. For Katniss this isn’t right to her and she doesn’t everything she can to go against this. Through the scenes, people watching the movie can see how Katniss is unselfish, strong, and smart, which is the opposite of what her society wants her to be. On the day of the reaping everyone gets dressed up to the offering pretty much. To higher wealthier districts it’s an honor to compete in the games. Unfortunately to the less wealthy districts it’s a death sentence because they are under prepared and already starving. Katniss Everdeen instead of saying best of wishes or goodbyes before the reaping she is …show more content…

During the games everything is switched around for Katniss from the capitals view because they have never seen someone like her. Trying to make her break the code she goes by every day. This one scene pops out to the game keeper who makes the rules because he couldn’t have seen the outcome. Katniss says they should eat the berries so they don’t get the satisfaction of having their single winner because originally they were able to have 2 winners from the same district. The gamekeeper stops them and says they are the winners because if they had no winner it would’ve ruined the games ended of having their single superior winner. This shows how Katniss outplays the society and what they wanted to happen but fell apart. By coming down to the last straw in the games Katniss still somehow manages to embrace her ethical code to make things seem how they truly should be in the world she lives