How To Write An Essay On The Saturday Boy

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In The Saturday Boy by David Fleming, Derek, a lonely son is worried about his father. Throughout the book Derek and his father send letters to each other while his fathers in the military. Derek also goes to a school where he gets picked on by a kid named Budgie for liking a girl named Violet. Violet doesn’t have TVs, computers, or any game counsels. Derek find that really weird which draws him closer to ask her the questions that he is begging to know the answer to. In the meantime while Derek is at school his mom and his aunt stays home and wonders when her husband will come home from the military Derek stops getting the letters from his dad. He still has the courage to send them anyway and ask when his dad was coming home and to tell him about all the stuff he does in school and about his dad as if he was right there next to him. …show more content…

In the time that they were gone Derek goes into the living room and turns on the TV. He find s out that his mom blocked every channel but the news channel. Derek sees a soldier in the corner of the screen but he doesn’t recognize him for a few seconds but as he sees the soldier in his head without the sun glasses or the helmet he realizes that it’s his dad. He got so excited to see his dad on the screen and thought to himself that they won the war and he was coming home. At that moment Derek’s mom walked through the door and she was upset because Derek was watching TV. Derek tried to explain to his mom that dad was coming home but she just got more and more upset, that’s when he asked about why the news was outside their house. Derek’s mom tried explaining to him that they lost him. Derek didn’t understand about what they meant about lost. He kept saying that he is not lost and that they found him. He was in a