Hsc Personal Statement

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I wish to work for the Treasury as I feel that my values and personal drive match with the organizations overall values very well. The 5 main values of commitment, ethics, respect, accountability and impartiality are an integral part of my life and how I operate as a professional. Accountability and respect are values that I developed during my time at school when I was appointed to be a student mentor to oversee the personal development of younger students. During this time my actions could be influential on their future as it was my job to teach them values that they would otherwise not learn during their normal classes. It was through this program I learnt to understand the value of respect and much deeper level. There I was required to help resolve respect issues between certain students and my initial surface level understanding of respect was elevated to a deeper understanding of the nuances and how it isn’t just black and white. …show more content…

Impartiality and ethics to me were to values that often overlapped in my day to day life, during my time working in hospitality I would often have to be impartial in resolving any customer service issues in spite of pressure from both the customer and my fellow employees. The value of ethics however can be applied more broadly as I feel that being ethical creates trust in an organization. To me trust is very important in how an organization operates as I am driven to help people. Hence the relationship between people and an organization is elevated where there is trust involved as I have demonstrated during my hospitality career when I was impartial in adjudicating disputes regarding customer service. These values are a major overarching reason as

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