Huckleberry Finn Maturation Analysis

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The Maturation of Huck Finn In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain’s character, Huck, shows multiple ways of maturing throughout the story. Already in the beginning of the story Huck shows a start to maturing, first while in the cabin with Pap, on Jackson Island with Jim, a slave owned by Miss Watson, then again in the abandoned house with Jim once again. These three examples of maturing are not the only ways that Huck matures throughout the story, but the definitely what help him make decisions later on in the story. Huck Finn’s first display of maturity is when he decides to escape from his father in chapter seven and decides to do it on his own. “I got out amongst the driftwood, and laid down in the bottom of the canoe and just let her float”(35). Since he found out that his father was back he was once again afraid of getting beat and he still did get …show more content…

While walking through the abandoned house Jim discovers a dead body lying on the floor with no clothes on one of the rooms and tells Huck not to look. “I didn’t look at him at all. Jim throwed some old rags over him, but he needn’t done it; I didn’t want to see him”. (50) During this seen in the story Huck shows the ability to listen to Jim, even though he did not want to look at the body he did not talk back to Jim when told not to look at it. He also does not make any comments about the body that would Although these three example are not the biggest growths in maturity by Huck Finn, they are some of the most important, because they mark the start of Huck’s journey to growing up and they show that, unlike some people, he actually can grow up and handle his own problems. When he escapes his abusive father on his own, sticks up for Jim and gets rid of the slave catchers, and makes the decision to respect Jim and listen to him in the abandoned are only a few of examples that kick off his path to