Huckleberry Finn Quote Analysis

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In the novel written by Mark Twain, The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, he includes violence and greed which helped shape and motivates the story. The violence includes the family feud between the Shepherdsons and the Grangerfords, the robbers plan to kill their accomplice, and Paps abuse to Huck. The greed includes Pap’s wishes to gain control over Huck’s money, and when the King and Duke are doing whatever they can do to get money and they don't really care if they are manipulating people as long as they kept giving them money. Huck is staying with the Grangerfords and he tells the family that his name is George Jackson. Huck gets really close with Buck and they go hunting one day. Buck ends up shooting at a Shepherdson but misses. Huck

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