
Human Intelligence Has Increased Due Longer Access To Technological Innovations

708 Words3 Pages

Date: September 9, 2015
To: Mike Lynch
From: Chad Manternach
Subject: Proposal to write my research paper on the topic of human intelligence has increased due wider access to technological innovations.
The first ever “network of networks” was born in 1983. Now, it has developed into the world known phenomenon of the modern day internet. My thesis states that humans are smarter, and more socialized due to the wider access to technological innovations. This topic is extremely feasible because the internet is a clear gate way of information that humans have increasing access to. This topic also relates to the field of technology which is a highly researched area currently- especially when in relation to increasing human intelligence, and socialization.

As I stated in the introduction, technology and human intelligence is at the forefront of research currently. This allows for tons of research material to be available as I continue to write my paper. Some of the things I have already found to back up my topic are credited article sources. Such as multiple periodicals stating the influence of the World Wide Web and the greater access to the internet in relation to human smarts and socialization. There are examples of this in the article titled Google It. This article goes …show more content…

I have done many research papers that drag on and on, seeming endless because I chose a topic I could care less about. Choosing a technologically related topic will keep me interested throughout the entirety of the assignment, while also pertaining to my life. I have always been somewhat “tech savvy”, and creative in the world of technology. Before settling on a business major, I considered going into computer graphics and design. So, this topic of how the internet and technology is actually increasing intelligent and socialization, not hindering people, is a wonderful thing for me to

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