Standardization Of Maritime Communication

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Communication is a natural trait that is owned by a man, a human being is a social fact which will interact with other human beings who use language as a tool of communication. According to Keraf (1) language is a means of communication between members of the public in the form of the symbol of the sound generated by human means of communication. In human communication uttered something to meet the needs as well as carry out the obligation. In terms of meeting the needs as well as carry out obligations, usually mentioning human utterances will result in action from people who listened to the utterance. Utterances generating an act called the speech acts. Communication directly will typically generate speech acts to be more spontaneous and not …show more content…

The risk of navigation and the development of modern technology and communication, combined with the multi-national crew and multi-cultural require clear and effective communication at sea. Therefore the gradual normalization has produced some standardization of maritime communication, especially using VHF radio frequencies as a medium (Riggs). Maritime communications standardization language form is a type of specification from the limited or irregular (Crystal, Bhatia) usually labeled ' speak ' combined such as PoliceSpeak, MeteoSpeak, SeaSpeak, AirSpeak, EmergencySpeak, and others …show more content…

Speech acts are the utterances that have implications for the form of the power to make the spoken by speakers have the power so to do. Speech acts have 3 kinds, namely Locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts. This research will focus on the Illocutionary Act. According to Vanderveken (2) the speaker always attempts performed an illocutionary acts to make meaningful utterances. Some of people do a conversation to make the purpose in speaker’s mind could be doing. Meaning in illocutionary act could be more specific, because it depends on what the speaker’s thinking. Some of the illocutionary act is directly exposed in sentence, such as “I command you to get out!” that is called directive illocutionary act. When the purpose of conversation made into an action, could be conclude that the illocutionary act is successful. To analyze the meaning, successful or fail, Vanderveken gives six component indicators. The writer used that theory for analyzing the meaning of directive illocutionary act because it more effectively and fit into