Humanity Is Good

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Humanity is too trusting, there is a problem in the world where good people trust horrible that will take advantage of their trust. In the end the trusting people will pay for it. Its sad when people let their guards down the worst possible things happen to them. It’s like the Trojans at the end of the Trojan war. They let their guard down to close to the end of the war and they trusted a big wooden horse at the gates of their city. Then during the 1930’s the Germans were in a bad place and they trusted Hitler to get them out of the bad times. However trusting Hitler wasn 't there best idea because up to six million jews died in the Holocaust. Now Germans don 't even like being associated with the Nazi Party. Now lots of People are …show more content…

Trump was elected in 2016 to be the next president. Trump promised to “Make America great again” by building a wall on the United States Mexican border, getting rid of Obamacare, Move U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and more. During the election people trusted him that he would keep his word and do it all. They trusted him that he will do all the things he said and agreed that these things will make America great again, so people voted for him because of it. Based off a pie chart in an article published by Politifact Trump has only kept 7.9% of his promises. Whether the promises will make America great again only the future knows for sure. Right now lots of people are regretting trusting Trump and voting for him. Trusting the wrong person can make people feel regret or even guilty for what happened. Trump is still in office right now so there is still time for him to do good. He could still however lead America to its downfall like Hitler lead Germany to its …show more content…

People can mess up once by trusting them and that one bad decision can ruin the rest of their life. There are many examples of this shown through history. The Trojans let their guard down and trusted a big hollow wooden horse at their gates and brought it in like it was a lost little puppy. However the horse was all an act to kill all the Trojans and for the Greeks to win the war. Trust is what let the horse in and caused everyone to be killed. Then in the early 1930’s the German people trusted Adolf Hitler that he would restore Germany to its original beauty. They soon realized after that Hitler was a horrible person and they shouldn 't have trusted him because he started World War II and killed over six million jews in the holocaust. Trust is what gave Hitler his power to start World War II and kill all of those Jews. Now America has elected Donald Trump as president. People are now regretting that decision because they don 't think Trump will make America great again. Right now America doesn 't know if trusting trump was a good decision or a bad one cause people cant see the future and see if America is great or worse than what is now. Trusting anyone completely can lead people to their