Hume Vs Descartes Research Paper

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Hisham Khoury 7.1.16 Debate between Rationalists and Empiricist Team R (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz) Team E (Hume, Locke) * “Continental rationalism” VS “British empiricism” Team R: Descartes: Descartes uses the strategy of doubt to reveal any uncertainty about the truth. He begins doubting the truth of everything, and then he comes to a conclusion that if some truth couldn’t be doubted any more then this indubitable truth is a certain foundation of knowledge. To Descartes the one certain in this world that …show more content…

He uses the Metaphor of Hercules made of marble and says that the soul resembled these blank tablets and the truth is already within us like Hercules is already in the Block and we shape(sculpt) it to be what it …show more content…

Rationalists always leaned on intellectual and deductive reasoning (derived from mathematical and logical principles) claiming that it is the most justifiable and valid source of knowledge rather that “simply relying on our sensory experience”. One of the arguments presented by rationalists is that we are born with innate knowledge rather than being “Tabula Rasa” and our mind is built to response to mathematical methods of reasoning and that some experiences may trigger a process by which we bring this knowledge to consciousness this is part of our that innate rational