Elitism Vs Rationalism Research Paper

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Which theory explains the experience the best? Is it rationalism or is it empiricism?
Rationalism is a belief that someone experiences independently or is also known as a priori. Their experience, or innate knowledge, is what they learn from the time they were born to the present (Yount 1). There are two ways rationalists develop what they see. The first is that their knowledge is above and beyond the information that can be provided by the experience using the five senses. The second way rationalists develop is creating accounts for any extra information, such as information about the world (Markie 1). Therefore, the information that rationalists receive is what they think about an experience and that they know everything that they can. In …show more content…

These focuses are mathematics and logic is intuitive, mortality is intuitive, check empiricism, poverty of stimulus problem, empiricism undermines creativity, and controllable humans (Yount 2). Mathematics and logic is intuitive because it is not just true statements that come from our five senses but it also comes from us being able to combine ideas. In the “Empiricism v. Rationalism,” Yount states, that mortality is intuitive because even though we use our five senses to find information we have to go above and beyond to know right from wrong. To check empiricism, rationalists say they cannot check with their experiences but they can rely on their reason (Yount 2). The poverty of stimulus problem is like watching a young child learn a language, but they are not taught how, they just learn the language from what other people are saying. For example, a young child starts putting sentences together but does not really know what a verb or noun is. The fifth main focus that rationalists have is if empiricists undermine creativity or not (Yount 2). In the “Empiricism v. Rationalism” article, Empiricists say that human beings can put things together or they can take them apart; whereas the rationalists make tools out of their own creative minds to take to an experience. Lastly, is the question if humans are controllable or not. Rationalists think that the human nature wants to be left alone but unlike the …show more content…

The empiricism is simpler, experience color with your five senses, have imagination and experience, rationalists have been wrong about their intuitive thoughts, the advance of science, and lastly all rationalists do not agree about intuitive knowledge (Yount 1). Empiricists are not complex because unlike the rationalists they do not have an intuitive thought. Empiricists think that the innate knowledge is absolutely useless and is information that may never get used. The second main focus is how a human being is able to see a color if they are blind when they are born. In the article “Empiricism v. Rationalism,” empiricists say that human beings would be able to tell if a color is orange or not by their other four senses, touch, feel, smell, and taste. Human beings who use their imagination and have lots of experiences can be considered as empiricism. For example, if someone draws an uneven crooked triangle then the empiricists would be able to straighten it out with their mind and see it straight compared to uneven and crooked (Yount 1). In the fourth focus, empiricists say that rationalists have been wrong about their idea of innate knowledge. Rationalists have said that there would be no such thing as a vacuum and that it would be impossible to make. We have showed them that they are wrong and that truth can be found by more things than just reason (Yount 1). The advance of science is one of the