
Limited Capacity Model Of Motivated Mediated Message Processing

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Prompt 1
The Limited Capacity Model of Motivated Mediated Message Processing is the foundational piece of many communication models, including the Elaboration Likelihood Model. The LCM4P explains how humans are able to understand and recall messages, and why sometimes they cannot. When humans are approached with stimulus or messages, our brains must process the information in three different sub-processes; encoding, storage, and retrieval. Encoding is when humans create their own symbolic representation of the given stimulus. This essentially is a human creating their own understanding of a message affected by any personal experiences, opinions, and environmental influences. Storage is when humans create links between the new symbol, or information, …show more content…

It is believed that humans only pay attention to things that demand them to. This ‘attention’ can be elicited or controlled. A study shows that humans select certain information from their environment to register and certain information to exclude. (Craik, Lockhart, 1972) This is due to the fact that the mind has a limited amount of cognitive resources to distribute. This creates an interference between the encoding, storage, and retrieval processes. If a human is not interested in the message being transmitted the required resources for information processing are not dedicated evenly and the entire process is weakened. This is how LC4MP supports the Elaboration Likelihood model. The ELM focuses on persuasion, issue-relevant thinking and its relation to a narrative. “People usually process narratives for hedonic purposes, and issues-relevant thinking may decrease the pleasure of being enthralled by the story.” (Slater, Rouner, 2002 pg. 173) The decrease in pleasure comes from the fact humans have limited resources. While the level of pleasure is increased the effectiveness of the information processing is being diminished, therefore people are often more likely to follow or agree with the stances made in the narrative. “Narratives do not invite people to systematically consider the issue but the opposite; narratives prohibit people in …show more content…

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